holistic hypnosis
Past-Life Regression
Spiritual Mentorship
& Life Coaching
Embracing Authenticity,
Self-Empowerment &
Spiritual Enlightenment
A new approach
to spiritual guidance
through an
Intuitive Quantum Reading
The Spiritual Path Mentorship session
leads you to a re-creation
of yourself into an evolved,
enlightened and awakened version.
​It is designed to provide personalized
guidance and support as you
navigate the profound and transformative
journey of self-discovery and
spiritual awakening.
Through an expanded state of
consciousness (trance),
our intuitive spiritual mentor
tune into the spiritual realm
connecting to:
*Aspects of You: like your Higher-Self,
Inner Child, Future-Self, etc.
*Loved ones that transitioned
*Your Spiritual Guides
*And more
For guidance, deep understanding
and awareness of your path.
This approach is called an
Intuitive Quantum Reading.
*Energy Healing (astral plane),
*Light Language/Codes Activation
*Psychic Information.
Bring those unanswered and
difficult questions
about yourself:
Life purpose & lessons,
difficult relationships
or past situations,
meaning of dreams
or mystical experiences,
alien encounters, etc.
You, hold all the answers,
and through a psychic connection
we bring it down to your
We address any emotional or
energetic blocks you may
encounter in your journey,
guiding you through shadow work
and helping you heal and transform.
The result, you'll experience reality
in a whole different way,
by being positive, compassionate
and resilient.
Because you'll understand
how reality works,
and the importance of being
Authentically You,
Following your Passion
and Acting on your Purpose.
The Spiritual Path Mentorship
session is also well suited for those
who are empathic or sensitive
to nearby energies,
looking to expand or deepen their intuition,
find answers to long standing questions,
or do not like or cannot be under hypnosis.
It is an excellent complement
for your holistic hypnosis sessions.
Book yours easily online.
Start Today!

Integrates   Several  Modalities
 - Intuitive Spiritual Guidance.
- Intuitive Quantum Healing.
- Channeling and connecting your Higher Self,
Spiritual Guides & Subconscious Mind. Â
- Connecting with loved ones that crossed over.
- Aura Clearing, energy healing and chakra balance
in the ethereal plane.
- Memories stored in the energetic body
that are creating issues in the physical body.
- Past-Lives that are affecting you.
- Meaning of mystical experiences and/orÂ
recurrent dreams.
- Life's purpose & lessons.
- Spirit releasement.
- And more.
Bring all questions about yourselfÂ
that you've always wanted to knowÂ
the answers to.Â
Example: life's purpose and lessons, root cause of undesired behaviors, mystical situations, recurrent dreams, spiritual connections, manifestation issues, blockages, past-lives, future-lives, chakras energy states, physical issues, etc.
Ready to take the next step
on your spiritual journey?
Book a Spiritual Path Mentorship
session easily online.
Questions? Contact us!
There are No Guarantees of specific outcomes or experiences.
The Spiritual Path Mentorship session is for
motivational, inspirational, encouraging purposes,
and spiritual/personal growth.
It is NOT a substitute for professional medical
or psychological advice or treatment.