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What is a QHPath session about?




These are just guidelines.

Each session is unique, as you are.



Free Consultation

We get to know each other a little bit 

previous to your session.

We will talk about the intention of

your session,

the changes you want to achieve,

your expectations  and

we will dissipate

your doubts and concerns.



During your Session

You are going to experience

a deep relaxed state,

theta brain waves,

that will allow you to access your

memories and images,

like in a dream or when you are using

your imagination.

Let's remember, that all hypnosis or trance state

is always self-induced.



Meeting your True-Self / Inner-Self

It is the center of pure self-awareness

and will.

It is the core aspect of you

that is your true self,

your spiritual center.

The Self is relaxed, open, and

accepting all of yourself and others.

It is curious, compassionate, 

calm, courageous, confident,

creative, connected, etc.

In this part of the session,

we reconnect and align with our true-selves,

with who we really are.

We realize that we are more than

this body, the emotions and the thoughts

that we're experiencing in this physicality (life).

When we know who we really are and

what we desire to experience,

we are able to choose and respond

to situations in alignment

to who we truly are.

This high frequency state of being

is sending out to the Universe 

our highest version,

allowing us to be empowered, 

in balance and harmony.



Connection to your Higher-Self & Spiritual Guides

The Higher-Self can provide you with all

the answers and guidance you need.

It is that divine part of yourself,

your intuition.

Knows everything about you.

You can make the connection

stronger and conscious.

Bring up to 10 questions

to ask your higher-self about you.

Also, meet your Spiritual Guides.

You can connect consciously 

with them on a daily basis.

They teach you how to do it

in your session.



 Interactive Process

This is the main part

of the session.

We will work on what

you would like to achieve or change.

We may explore a regression,

past lives, or the origin of 

psychosomatic symptoms

(whenever it may be originated,

present or past life).

We'll discover the memories,

emotions or thoughts 

stored affecting that

part of your body.

We'll find the root cause of your issue.

Your Subconscious mind

will show you the most appropriate

situations related to your problem, 

for you to work on

that present moment.



Clear Quartz Crystal Healing Cave

- only Energy Quantum Healing Session -

I will take you to a very

special healing place,

(through consciousness)

the Clear Quartz Crystal Healing Cave.

It's a very powerful and energetic place,

entirely made of clear quartz crystal.

We will scan your body and aura

to work on what is needed.

We will give voice to your physical symptoms,

diseases, and /or any part of your body,

to share the memories/emotions it holds

and with the right technique

you can change it into a healthy and

positive one.

It is also called Somatic Healing.

Also, in this cave, we will balance and

energize your chakras.

Your energetic body will be in balance

and in harmony.

You will witness the transformation

that took over your energetic body.

You'll see the colors of your aura

before and after.



Post  Session

We will spend some time talking

about all the information received.

I may give you some exercises 

to do on your own pace,

to support your transformation

and your journey.

Also, we will be talking about

your next session.

It is my hope that your experience

will bring a realization

of a greater peace and understanding,

which brings self-love,

forgiveness and compassion.



Video/Audio Recorded

You may remember some,

all or nothing of your session,

that is why a recording is

an important tool.

All messages, exercises

and insights will be there.

Every time you listen the audio, 

you will understand

the information on a new level.




Power Up your

Hypnotherapy Sessions

with a


Holistic Package




* Incredible discounted price for

 hypnosis sessions.


* Personal recordings.


* Virtual Follow Up.

For each hypnosis session.


 * Signature Mentoring Sessions.

Designed to use them in between

hypnosis sessions.


Choose & Experience:



-Intuitive Energy Healing.

 -Learn QHPath Meditation.

-Spiritual Path Mentorship.


All you need to succeed on your path

of self-discovering,

self-empowering and healing.




Virtual & In Office Sessions 

  Sessions held online are 

through Zoom platform.

In person sessions are held

at the office in Orlando, Florida. 

We offer weekdays

extended office hours,

and also weekends.



You are a Divine Soul
having a Human experience.

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